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Creating Assignments - Teachers

Exit Tickets, Quizzes, Homework, and Assessments

Clarence Tan avatar
Written by Clarence Tan
Updated over 2 months ago

To create an assignment for your students:

Select the Assignments Tab on the left β†’ Choose Math or ELA at the top β†’ Click Create Assignment

Assignments are a great way to facilitate traditional exit tickets, quizzes, homework, and unit assessments. You can also use assignments to temporarily adjust or change the level of instruction for a student.

How to create an assignment

1. Go to the Assignments Page:

  • Select a classroom from your Teacher Home Page.

  • Click the Assignments tab on the left.

  • Use the toggle at the top to choose Math or ELA, then click Create Assignment.

2. Customize your assignment:

  • Title: Name your assignment.

  • Skills: Choose your standards, grade level, and select the desired skills. Use the search bar for easy filtering and preview questions with the eye icon.

  • Students: Assign to one student or the whole class.

  • Parameters: Set the number of questions and whether to randomize them.

  • Scheduling: Send now or schedule for later.

3. Finalize and send to students:

  • Click Create to finalize the assignment.

  • Your assignment will show automatically within the student game.

Students not seeing assignments?

  • Ask them to sign out and sign back in using the exact username and password from your roster.

  • Have them switch between Math and ELA using the toggle on their home screen.

  • Double-check the assignment details to make sure the correct student and start date are listed.

  • Still stuck? Reach out to support for help!

Happy teaching!

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